Rearranging the deck chairs and the eviction ban


Registered User
The politicians seem to be unanimous that there is a housing crisis, and I agree that there is, although I might describe it more as an important chronic issue for society rather than a crisis. Yet they are debating and the media is going crazy over ending an eviction ban.

Which ever way the nail votes there will not be one more house or apartment as a result. We seem to be in a situation driven by both government and opposition and supported by the media where we are discussing the various parties efforts at virtue signalling rather than looking for ways to build more homes.
We need to go back to the policies of the 70's and cause a massive recession and have high levels of emigration. If we can drive 50,000-60,000 young people out of the country each year we'll sort out our housing shortage in no time.
Thankfully the Shinners have adopted the same populist pseudo-socialist that FF had in the 70's so here's hoping...
This phrase was going through my mind in the last fews days in relation to my own life.
With inflation biting a bit, ever increasing interest rates on my tracker mortgage biting a bit.
Doing a bit of rearranging of things to hopefully not end up like the Titanic :confused::);)