"Public Sector Debate": Any chance of a truce?

Re: Any chance of a truce?

Excellent posts, S.L.F. and Boris.

The hate campaign being waged against the Public Service in the media has been very successful, especially when coupled with a healthy dose of good old Irish begrudgery.
Re: Any chance of a truce?

Thanks Lex. Don't often post here but I feel strongly that things have gone far enough. This country is slowing going into crisis and the name/blame game is not helping things. The vast majority of my colleagues will do their share to help things out but the onslaught from such crap published by the Sindo etc. has their backs up.

I could go on and on but enough is enough.
Re: Any chance of a truce?

Well SLF I totally agree. I work in the CS and have been subject to wholesome abuse from everyone since last year. This carryon has been depressing for both me and my colleagues despite the fact that we work our butts off and love the work we do.

I was talking to a colleague of mine who stated that things were not far from brother turning against brother. He was right. I have now started to see this seeping through to family members. I was told the other night by mother with regards to pay cutbacks that the "public service doesn't matter" and that nobody cares about them. This attitude has been drummed into her by the media.

I do think that the public strike last week would not have happened only for the media abuse that is being hurled at them and that the ps/cs have just enough at this stage. The media are only interested in a story and the consequences do not matter to them.

Either we all pull together or we sink.

Things are bad when your mum doesn't love you any more because you are a PS worker:(:(:(!!!
Re: Any chance of a truce?

I know.:eek:

But the point still stands as to how far the media have driven this and misrepresented the truth. People in the public service have been berated continuously for the last year and more and what has it gained us - nothing. Nobody wants to suffer but amongst my colleagues their anger has been driven by the way the media is conducting themselves and the absolute lies that it has printed about them.

I don't agree with going out on strike and I have always believed that the process of Partnership should be the way going forward (it has served all well enough in the past). I do hope that we don't go out again this week as that doesn't serve the needs of Government and of the public.

If there is one thing that sticks in my mind during this crisis is coming into work on a Monday morning and listening to my friends and colleagues giving out over what the papers were saying about them on Sunday. This has been a huge contributing factor to the industrial unrest that is ongoing at the moment.
Re: Any chance of a truce?

I don't agree with going out on strike and I have always believed that the process of Partnership should be the way going forward (it has served all well enough in the past). I do hope that we don't go out again this week as that doesn't serve the needs of Government and of the public.

The process of partnership has been the way forward but you have to remember, it was the govt who went back on it not the unions.

I don't see how you can put the needs of the govt with the needs of the public together in the same sentence, the public has been hoodwinked by the media which has been influenced by our govt.

Anybody who says otherwise is just kidding themselves.

Speaking for myself I support the strike I don't see what else the Public Service can do.
Re: Any chance of a truce?

SLF, I did vote for industrial action myself as well. Maybe I am putting the needs of the government and public together as I have worked in both spheres.

However I have watched fellow staff members who at the beginning of this year were for wage cutbacks and against industrial action completely turn over the course of the year.

I also agree with you over the Govt. influencing the media but I also think that the media were always anti PS. I seem to remember an unofficial CS embargo with a certain newspaper in the mid 1990's over some articles that were viciously anti CS. However I do think IBEC also have a hand in this as well.
Re: Any chance of a truce?

Well boohoohoo - You get to experience just a tiny portion of the bile and vitriol that has been heaped on the public sector on this site for years now, and particularly escalating over the past 12 months, and you throw a huff, take your ball and run home.

I think it's fair to say that any private sector worker would jump at the chance to join the PS at a roughly equivalent position/salary despite your 'bile and vitriol' - its ever man for himself these days. I was in public sector but left - now I am desperately trying to get back in. My ex-colleagues in PS are slagging me off constantly because I left. My own fault.

What sickens me about the PS is that nobody within it will admit that it's in need of serious reform and that some of the dossing & waste that goes on in simply astounding. But I feel like an insider posting some of these stories. Maybe I am just bitter. When/If I get back in, I am going to become like Complainer and defend it to the hilt !
Re: Any chance of a truce?

I think it's fair to say that any private sector worker would jump at the chance to join the PS at a roughly equivalent position/salary despite your 'bile and vitriol' - its ever man for himself these days. I was in public sector but left - now I am desperately trying to get back in. My ex-colleagues in PS are slagging me off constantly because I left. My own fault.

If it was so good, why did you ever leave ??
Re: Any chance of a truce?

What sickens me about the PS is that nobody within it will admit that it's in need of serious reform and that some of the dossing & waste that goes on in simply astounding.

So there's no chance of a truce from you then, is there?
Re: Any chance of a truce?

I think it's fair to say that any private sector worker would jump at the chance to join the PS at a roughly equivalent position/salary despite your 'bile and vitriol' - its ever man for himself these days. I was in public sector but left - now I am desperately trying to get back in. My ex-colleagues in PS are slagging me off constantly because I left. My own fault.

What sickens me about the PS is that nobody within it will admit that it's in need of serious reform and that some of the dossing & waste that goes on in simply astounding. But I feel like an insider posting some of these stories. Maybe I am just bitter. When/If I get back in, I am going to become like Complainer and defend it to the hilt !

I'm sorry but this whole post is bit suspicious to me, especially this part "now I am desperately trying to get back in". Everybody knows the CS/PS is shedding staff due to the recruitement moritorium , early retirement scheme and career break scheme. The only posts being filled are specialist e.g. medical, some teaching and very senior positions (assistant sec and above).
Can I suggest something radical??

How about not reading the threads that you are either bored or not interested in?

This way those of us whom do want a debate and are prepared to read others opinions are free to do so,and you can just wonder about the issues of toilet paper being in or out...
Re: Any chance of a truce?

How does this work? Are all positions not advertised and open to all?
many positions are only open to people with (I think) 3 years prior experience in the public service or to currently serving staff.

For example, I'd have killed for an IT role in the PS a few years back, but could not apply due to the above rules. The way in would have been to apply as an entry level grade 3 clerical officer which is open to the public, push pens for a few years and hope to get in that way... crazy
Re: Any chance of a truce?

many positions are only open to people with (I think) 3 years prior experience in the public service

Basically, those that have left, changed their mind and now want back in? Where's the fairness in that. You would think that anyone who leaves an employment of their own chosing should be the last to be emploed there again? I'd be very interested in seeing an example of this in the terms and conditions...unreal!
Here's a suggestion to reduce the public sector / private sector divisions:

Make all public sector workers not permanent, i.e. allow them to be made redundant like anybody else

Make every worker pensionable, i.e. ensure that all workers have good pensions

Therefore, nobody will be "permanent" and everybody will be "pensionsable", so the differences are reduced.