Policy auto renewal cancelled due change in underwriters...ombudsman?


Registered User
Our Gadget insurance policy AUTO RENEWAL feature was cancelled due to a change of underwriter last year. In September 2013 we just assumed it would be automatically renewed. It wasn't and iphone broke 2 weeks ago. Gadget insurance.ie stated we had no policy. We had selected the auto renewal to on to give us peace of mind each year that it would be paid without us having to worry about it.
The notification we got due to the change of underwriter mentioned nothing about cancellation of the auto renewal feature. See letter below...


Reference: Renewal of your Gadget Insurance Policy No. XxxxXx

Dear xxxxx

Your gadget insurance policy is due for renewal on xx/10/2013

Due to a change in our Underwriter and a new structure of our gadget insurance from 1st April 2013 we will now be offering insurance on each individual gadget instead of on a limit basis as previously provided.

From 1st April 2013, our gadget insurance is redesigned to cover each individual gadget. This new structure is designed to keep premiums as competitive as possible while giving you more choice on the gadgets you want insure. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

In order to insure your gadgets from 11/10/2013 please contact us on 0818 286 456 or go online to gadgetinsurance.com to book a new policy.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely


Shall we just accept this or is it worth pursuing with the ombudsman?????
Cannot see it worth pursuing via anyone.It is up to you to ensure continuity (notwithstanding the Auto renewal clause)

As a general rule these (gadget) covers have a plethora of exclusions . Indeed now just being covered for item by item looks a bit like that.

Ask yourself is pursuing worth the hassle?
so they had written to you and told you that you need to re-arrange cover and to contact them. you didnt. They provided all they had do. So you wont have a leg to stand on here.