Notice of termination


Registered User
I am renovating my family home and will need to move out so I am considering moving into my rental property. As the market to sell has improved and I am no longer in negative equity, I am planning to put the rental property on the market while I am living there and sell it.
My question is: what is the notice period I need to give. The tenants are in the house less than 2 years. Is it 90 days or 42 days? Since I'm moving in for 4 months but the house is for sale during that time do i put the reason for termination as selling or requiring the house for my family? Is there a different notice period for these two reasons?
1 year or more but less than 2 years requires 42 days notice period.

In my opinion, the reason for the eviction is that you require the property for yourself. If you give the reason as you intend to sell the property the law requires the sale to be completed within 3 months. As you intend to live there and subsequently will sell it, the selling reason would be invalid.

Once you are living there, there is nothing to prevent you selling it but there is a restriction on letting it again within six months of the eviction.