Noisy Heat Recovery Ventilation System


Registered User
We built a house in 2008 and at the time we installed a heat recovery ventilation system. At the time it was installed we thought that the it seemed noisy in 3 of the upstairs bedrooms but at the time the installer said it just needed a noise damper and that he would sort it. It didn't bother us too much at the time as the rooms weren't being used at the time, however we did chase up the installer only to get excuse after excuse. Now we have a child and the child will not sleep in the room at night with the noise of it. We can't get any good of the installer to help us fix it and as a temporary measure we have to turn it off at night to let the child sleep. Does anyone know who or what type of company we could get some independent advise from to try reduce the noise? Or has anyone had a similar experience?