New job - mortgage problems?


Registered User
We have looked at a house we're interested in, and thinking of putting in a bid. Problem is I just started a new job 2 weeks ago, and my salary would be the main salary in our household.

In general, what is the attitude of mortgage providers - would most of them insist on the 6 months probation being up - or at least some of it?
I think that most prefer or insist that employees be permanent before lending to them.
Perhaps try going through a broker like REA. When I got my mortgage, I was on probation in a permanet job and in the middle of the process I changed to being a contractor. The provider was only interested in the fact that I has previously been in regular employment by evidence of my tax and banking affairs for the previous few years. They also wanted to see evidence of an ongoing contract. I felt, at the time that the broker assisted in 'telling my story' so that I didn't face any delays or knockbacks.
I got approval in principal when I was on probation but was not allowed close until my probationary period was complete. At least if you have AIP you can start looking around. I found a new house put the depoist on it and will hopefully close this month.
Lauren can you pm me the name of the broker you dealt with - sounds like a useful contact to have. Maybe there's some hope after all.

Problem is it's very difficult to find the kind of property that suits both my and my dh's requirements (opposite ends of spectrum - city v country!) and is also affordable, so I'm hoping I won't have to let this one go.
Depending on what work you do, many lenders will take into account your employment history. For example if you were a nurse, they assume its easy enough to get alternative employment if your current job finished up
I went to a broker and was only 2 months in employment. 3 banks approved us for sure without a problem, as it was a similar company I am working for. Good savings and partner with high income might have helped as well.

Funny though that Perm. TSB refused me as I was not working for more than 3 years in IRL, but they approved us without a prob via broker.
I have 2 home loans with Ulster Bank. Im contracting in IT at the moment and had no payslips to present. A letter form my agency stating monthly earnings was sufficient.

Found Ulster Bank very flexible. They re just not answering my letters and emails threatening to switch to NIB;)