New estate boundary requirements


Registered User
A new relatively large estate is planned (planning has been submitted over the last few days) which will run along the side and back of my existing property.
That is fine, I expected it eventually. Along the side of my property will be the entrance to the new estate and footpath etc. Along the back will be one of the new properties and its back garden.

From the plans I can see that their has been no provision for a wall to be built along the boundary of the new estate. At the side of my house it says that h'edge will be kept and a 1 meter rail fence installed'. There actually is no hedge there at the moment as it was min and removed a few years back and only a fence there now which I had installed myself. A 1m rail is surely not enough to provide security for the obvious access to the general public along this entrance road and footpath. And I would think that my fence shouldn't be seen as adequate for the new development to use as a boundary.

Are there any requirements for new estates in this regard and Would I be entitled to object and ask that a 2m wall is built along the perimeter. Its something I see as fairly standard when new estates border older homes and properties in our town to date.

Talk to the developer and put in an observation.

If you are generally supportive of the scheme and have reasonable requirements to keep a level of privacy, it should be easy to make an agreement.

By putting in an observation you can ensure your reasonable request is included in the conditions of planning
Talk to the developer and put in an observation.

If you are generally supportive of the scheme and have reasonable requirements to keep a level of privacy, it should be easy to make an agreement.

By putting in an observation you can ensure your reasonable request is included in the conditions of planning
Thank you, Ill do that.