Motorbike claim against another driver



Hi All

I drive a scooter, and last week had an accident where a car driver crashed into me after exiting from a side road. She has admitted liability - hard not to as a guard witnessed it, and as she was coming from a side road I had right of way.

Just wondering if anyone could help with a couple of questions I have in relation to the insurance though....

1. Do I get in touch with her insurance company or do I wait for them to get in touch with me?

2. Would I expect to have to pay to get my bike fixed up and then get re-imbursed from her insurance company.

3. The main use of my scooter was to get to the train station early in the morning, where I commute to Dublin each day, and back home again in the evenings. I now have to use a taxi. Would I be likely to be re-imbursed the cost of the taxis?

And if anyone would have any general advice on the process works, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks in advance,
Ring your own insurance company they will answer all your questions for you.
Defo ring your insurance company & give them the details of the accident. Don't wait to hear from her insurance company as, if you swapped insurance details, they will deal with your Ins company, not you directly.
I wouldn't go paying for it to be fixed etc until your insurance company ok it as they will likely have a specified list of garages to use.
report it to her insurance company immediatley, I was in a crash last year, he admitted liability and give me his insurance details and 3 weeks later had not reported it. Don't assume the other person or your insurers will do it
I drive a scooter, and last week had an accident where a car driver crashed into me after exiting from a side road.
Any accident you can walk away from is a good one...

She has admitted liability...
Very foolish on her part as all insurance companies advise you not to admit responsibility. Even when the pay up, they use weasel words to avoid admitting liability...

a guard witnessed it...
He may have observed what happened but from experience Guards seldom 'witness' on behalf of either party.

Do I get in touch with her insurance company or do I wait for them to get in touch with me?
I suppose you need to have something to get in touch about first. You are going to claim on her insurance so you need to be in a position to tell them what you are going to claim. Repair/replacement of your bike, expenses incurred due exclusively to the accident should be allowable too. Medical expenses too if applicable. Go get quotes for the bike. It is your bike and YOU should be able to pick who you want to repair/replace your bike. Don't compromise. If her insurer wants to argue your quote they should pay to send an assessor to your chosen repairer to negotiate the costs. If your repairer is willing to negotiate the cost of repair fair enough.

Would I expect to have to pay to get my bike fixed up and then get re-imbursed from her insurance company?
Possibly. But you shouldn't have to. It would to some extent depend on your repairer. Would they proceed with the repairs without getting some go ahead from her insurance? However, if it is going to cost more in expenses the longer they delay settlement, then her insurance should be made aware of that fact.

The main use of my scooter was to get to the train station early in the morning, where I commute to Dublin each day, and back home again in the evenings. I now have to use a taxi. Would I be likely to be re-imbursed the cost of the taxis?
The only reason you are getting taxis is because you are off the road due to the accident. It is part of your claim.

Before I get lambasted for having a claim culture attitude I would advise being forthright and up front. Don't exaggerate your claim but likewise don't end up paying for someone else's bad driving.