Mortgage Approval Checklist Query


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Hi all,

Myself and my girlfriend are getting all the documentation together to apply for a FTB mortgage.

There is one item on the checklist which we can't get its a household bill (e.g. electricity, gas etc.)

The problem is that we have no way of getting that as we have no bills in our name and never had.

Does anybody know if there is another way of getting the information the mortgage broker needs.

Any advice or help ye could give would be greatly appreciated.

Is this a broker requirement? General or specific to your broker? Or do lenders insist on it? Back c. 1995 I didn't have household bills in my name either and had no problems getting a mortgage.
It's quite possible the requirement for a bill is a money laundering ID requirement to prove address in which case they should be able to satisfy it using alternative methods such as the electoral register or a tax notice etc.
If the utility bills are required for money laundering purposes tax documents and a certified copy of your passport/drivers licence may suffice. Check with your lender and they will advise the acceptable alternatives.

Don't worry many FTBs won't have utility bills in their own names!
No I don't have a mobile phone bill either.

It is a mortgage advisor who we are working through and before we can get going on the mortgage we need to get documentation on a "checklist"

Bank Statements
Certificate from Employer
Copy of passport
Household Bill

We told the mortgage advisor that there was no way of us having a household bill as we are only renting at the moment and there is no bills under our names so he said to go to the local garda station and fill out a form to state that you are a resident of the area or something to that effect.

The problem with going to the guards is that we both come from Limerick and are both working in Cork so if we going to the local garda station in Cork they won't know us from adam...

My girlfriend was talking to a guard from Midleton in Cork and asked him about the form that the mortgage advisor told us to fill out and he said he's never heard of it..
They may just want something showing your current address.

Do you have credit card bills, bank statements etc? Why not check if either of these are acceptable and if necessary its very easy to change your correspondence address if they are or if not simply tell your mortgage advisor that you don't have anything with your current address on it.

Is the lender looking for this as proof you are renting or as id requirements?
As far as i'm aware it is ID requirements as all my bills etc are still addressed to my parents home in Limerick.

On the checklist we have to give a credit card statement and a copy of all bank account statements, copy of passport, outstanding loans, certificate of employment etc.

If its for ID purposes I though that bank statements, credit card statements would be enough.

I will have to ring him again tomorrow and find out what he wants a household bill, we told him already that there was no way we could have one as we are FTB we obviously don't own a house already.

Thanks for your help guys
Usually something from the Revenue will do, eg a P60 or other documentation. If you have been claiming rent relief you probably have someting with your rental address on it from Revenue.
It is a money laundering requirement - for that reason you can use the bank statements sent to your parents home and state that as your address.
A letter from your landlord will do instead of the household bill.
Acceptable forms of proof of address

Credit card Bill
Certificate of Motor Insurance
Full Drivers License
Bank Statement

I know because I used a combination of these when faced with this recently - currrently renting
Bank Stements should suffice, just make sure that you use the same address on your mortgage application form as is on your bank statements.
Some lenders won't accept current account statements as a utility ID as they will only accept each document for one purpose but a credit card statement should be acceptable - your broker should be able to confirm. As the application has already been submitted to the lender it would probably be easier to change the address on your current account/credit card statements to match the address on your application form. Changing the address on the application could end up causing more complications.
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We haven't filled in the application form yet we were told by the mortgage advisor to get the documentation on the checklist together first then meet him and fill in the application form.

I rang him there earlier and he is off today so I just will have to ring tomorrow and see what the story is.

Off the top of my head what the checklist wants is:

All bank statements
Credit Card Statement
Copy of Passport
Utility Bill (which we can't provide)
Certificate of Employment

Think that is about it

Thanks again for all ye're help
Marg is right - a revenue related document addressed to where you live will often suffice.
Check with your broker to see if you can use your current account/credit card statements as a utility ID - it doesn't have to be a 'bill'. Other documents that you can use are electoral register search, Revenue document (not P60) and driver's licence, depending on the lender. Make sure the address on the application form matches the utility ID exactly.
Get the broker to sort this out there are many many other forms of id that are acceptable