Medical card deductions/expenses


Registered User
I had a medical card years ago but figured that i was over the means past few years, but i think i may be eligible for it now, or even the GP card. (I was prob eligible for GP card all along but didnt realise about the deductions)

What deductions/expenses are allowed?

Im working remotely since pandemic and have moved house.Office is now looking to get people in 2 days per week, which will greatly increase my travel costs. Can i claim for petrol for Dublin/Galway trip? Over 200km each way. What evidence of travel will I need to show.

Is mortgage payment allowable expense? Any idea about home improvement loan?

My children hace now aged out of childcare. Teenage Son is pending ASD assessment.
I haven't applied for this yet, but hoping to go through it soon.
Does anyone know if its salary AFTER pension deductions?
Also my 16 yr old son is being assessed for autism.
Should I wait til we have ASD diagnosis or apply now? Should have feedback next week, but might take few weeks to get official report.
I haven't applied for this yet, but hoping to go through it soon.
Does anyone know if its salary AFTER pension deductions?
Pension deductions (I presume you mean pension contributions deducted via payroll?) are not mentioned here as an allowable expense.
You should check the HSE guidelines/form too.
Thank you and yes thats what i meant alright. I phoned them today but person i sloke with didnt know but said they will look at payslip.