LSRA complaint - executor reserving rights


New Member
My question relates to a complaint to the LSRA with regards to excessive costs and inadequate service provided by a solicitor in relation to the administration of an estate. In this case there were 2 executors, one a different solicitor at the same law practice as the defendant/ the solicitor who adminstered the estate and the second a beneficiary, child of the deceased. The beneficiary was advised by the law practice to reserve their rights as they resided abroad .

The rebuttal from the solicitor/defendant in relation to the complaint is that as the executor reserved their rights they are not legally entitled to complain as they are not a client of the solicitor. How should this claim be rebutted by the complainant? UK law under Scheme Rule 2.8(c) confirms that where the complainant is a beneficiary, they can complain about services provided to an estate, does this apply under Irish law?
I am a coexecutor. The solicitor repeatedly demanded in writing I swear a false ca24. He even went so far as to threaten me with legal action unless I swore the false oath. He also provided contradictory advice. I complained to the LSRA with evidence. Lsra sided with solicitor who provided LSRA with inaccurate, incomplete and misleading replies with no evidence that did not address the complaints. Solicitor then imposed a 815k lien for (failed) probate. If you read the LSRA Act part six you will note the Act contains no provision requiring the solicitor to address the complaints. LSRA confirmed this in writing to me. Also, if you read s209 of the Act, the LSRA enjoy and employ absolute impunity. They are accountable to no one. A violation of the Constitution. If you read their "quality charter " you will note at 2.5 pages it is shorter than a Noddy book. Lat week solicitor, still facilitated by the lsra increased his lien to 1.6m. Just because. LSRA = zero accountability = zero credibility.