
  • Thread starter slimJim3600
  • Start date


Did u hear bout de kerryman taking his first driving lesson.

He opened the door to let out the clutch.

Such jokes are so passé - don't you think?

And I'm not even from Kerry.....
kerry joke

sorry about dat was recalling a joke I heard 20 years ago. I dont think the word passe had been invented then.

Re: kerry joke

By the way maxamillian how did you put the fada on passe.

Copy & Paste

okay Slim,

to be honest I'm not sure how to get them using my own when I need a word which has one I just find the word on the internet (best place an online dictionary) and just copy & paste!!!
Re: Copy & Paste

Typing Alt Gr + vowel should give you an accented character. ;)
Re: Copy & Paste


Typing lesson over for to-day. You really will have to go to Clubman for typing lessons.

Exercise for tomorrow - practice Alt Gr + 4 for Euro and Alt Gr + vowel for accent :lol
Re: Copy & Paste

That man has helped me out b4 wit me tipin, but hess a bit expansive.

He told me it was me spelins dat was wrong not me tipin

Re: Copy & Paste

That man has helped me out b4 wit me tipin, but he's a bit expansive
True. Am I brave enough to say I think he has a dictionary for breakfast every morning! :lol

Nice one Clubman - my kids all have Irish names, but I never could type them properly.
Why are Kerryman jokes so stupid?

So the Dubs can understand them.