

funny bunny

.....and then there was a Yank on holidays in Kerry and he noticed a local man standing in the middle of a field day after day so eventually curiosity got the better of him and he approached him - their conversation went something like this :

Yank : Good day sir, I'm here on vacation from the good old USA and I was just wondering why do you spend every day standing in the middle of this field?

Kerryman : Well sir I want to win a Nobelle Price

Yank : How could you possibly expect to win a Nobelle Price in this manner ?

Kerryman : Well sir I heard an American professor say in a recent interview on TV that to win a Nobelle Price one has to be outstanding in his field .! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Funny Bunny, and you think Kerrymen are thick, at least they can spell!!! surely you mean the Nobel Prize or have I been educated wrongly, or maybe Meathmen are stupid.