Issues with completion of Belmayne Affordable Housing


Registered User
Hi Filks,
I'm just wondering if there's anyone out there who was offered and accepted any of the affordable units in Belmayne in the last DCC draw.
I heard yesterday (from a very reliable source) that P7 (where I think most of the affordable units that were offered in the last draw are) are unlikely to be completed. Also the proposed Town Centre has been shelved....rumour is LM developments have gone bust.
I've been onto Hooke and McDonald and they are saying "contractors and developers are in negotiaitons".....and some meeting has been arranged for tomorrow so nothing confirmed unti tomorrow.
I was just wondering if anyone else was in the same boat and maybe had some further info.....I've had a look at the forum and there's some info there....all confirming the above.
Any info much appreciated.