Internal Sliding doors


Registered User
We are replacing our internal doors. One door in particular when opened bangs against the other door in same room. A sliding door would be a clever solution, however it's the door seperating kitchen/dining room, so I want to keep out as much sounds/smells as possible (i.e the same as a normal door would). Any sliding door I've seen is on a tracker rail so doesn't sit into the door frame so offer absolutely no sound/smell proofing.

Can anyone help?
could you use foldable doors instead , we have these and it does the job
I have a sliding door between my kitchen and my back kitchen. It wouldn't be up to much for keeping out noise but it's fine for smells.

Actually, the plumbers did something to it while they were in doing the heating. THere seems to be a guide missing that kept it close to the wall but I don't know whether it was at the top or bottom of the door and I can't find anything lying around that might be the missing part. Any chance someone here knows what's missing?

need to know where i can get the tracks for internal doors ,is there different types,
A good place to check is I don't know offhand whether they do the tracks you are looking for, but they cover a wide range so I expect they would. Their stuff, in general, seems to be very good quality.