how long before you can buy council out


Registered User
affordable housing clawback

not planning to sell or buy out the council in the near further or ever, very happy with my purchase. but just a question re buying the council out how long do you have to wait before you have the option of doing this is it 2 years?
"An affordable home is for people who cannot afford to buy a home on the open market. It is provided at a discount to the market price, and you must live in it. If you sell it within 20 years, you will have to pay back a percentage of the sale price to the local authority. This is known as a 'Clawback'."

If you sell within the first 10 years, you must pay back the full percentage
from the sale that you got as a discount when you bought your home.
After 10 years, the percentage you must pay back reduces by one-tenth for each full year you live in your home.

If you sell your home after 20 years, you do not have to pay any ‘clawback’
to the local authority.

see: [broken link removed]