House sale agreed - problems with auctioneer


Registered User
Just in a bit of a quandary regarding the sale of our house. Long story short we went sale agreed about 5 weeks ago on our property. For some reason the two top bidders on our property had not even put their houses on the market even when they were bidding for our property. The couple we went sale agreed with only put their house up about 4 weeks ago!! Obviously we have heard nothing yet as the house they are trying to sell is in an area where houses their type are 10 a penny. In addition our auctioneer is also selling their house which makes matters more complicated. From the off the agreement was we would go sale agreed and the auctioneer would continue showing our house to others buyers until they sign the contract. This has not happened and since we have gone sale agreed we have heard nothing from the auctioneer. My husband has contacted him for an update but he has been giving us the usual story i.e things are very slow in the market etc etc. I’m at the stage now where I just want to go with another auctioneer however my husband disagrees and wants to give it another couple of weeks. Any suggestions on our next move??