Hibernia Forum conference: What now for Ireland in the era of Brexit and Trump?

Brendan Burgess

The Hibernia Forum will host a major and exciting conference on Thursday, 23 February on ‘What Now For Ireland in the Era of Trump and Brexit?’ The conference, with an impressive line up of Irish and international speakers, will be held from 9am-3pm in the offices of Connect Ireland, on 14 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2.

Space is limited so please register here if you wish to attend: . Lunch will be served.

Olivia Buckley Irish Tax Institute
Christopher Butler: Americans for Tax Reform
Lucinda Creighton
Cormac Lucey - The Hibernia Forum
OIliver Mangan - Chief Economist AIB
Neil McDonnell - ISME
Jeffrey Peel - Northern Ireland free-market commentator
I'd love to go but I'll be in work. Thursday and Friday and the two days a week I do as indentured servitude to the State (40% of my income goes in taxes).