Grants for purchase of a second hand dwelling


Registered User
Good evenin g,
May I ask if anyone knows if there is a grant towards buying a second hand house , what have seen so far is to purchase a new house .
A friend is looking to buy their first house . Im looking at the options through the local county council . English isn`t their first language so Im doing a bit of research for them . Unfortunately the Help to Buy scheme is also for new house purchase or new build .
Thank you .
Nothing, not a cent, plus you get the privilege of paying the state the princely sum of 2% of the property value in stamp duty, plus land registry fees of up to 800 euro.

If you decide to add insulation you can get one off grants to insulate the walls, attic and upgrade to a heat pump or add solar, the cost of which you pay in full and then claw back the SEAI grant afterwards. Or you can go with one stop shop and add windows/doors to the list of what SEAI will pay for.