Gardai Entry Requirements + Leaving cert.


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Wondering if someone could advise. A friend recently did leaving cert and had hoped to gain entry to gardai. They did not meet the requirements below in that they failed both Irish and Maths. Can my friend just repeat these 2 subjects say at night through for example a FAS nightcourse and if they pass these 2 subjects add them to the other passed subjects they recently acquired at leaving cert. Or will they have to do all the subjects again. Tried finding out from department of education website but no joy. Thanks.
New requirements below.
6) Have obtained, in the Leaving Certificate Examination

a. A grade not lower than B3 at Foundation Level or D3 at another level in Mathematics, and
b. A qualifying grade in two languages, one of which must be English or Irish, as follows:
English: a grade not lower that D3 at Ordinary Level,
Irish : a grade not lower than C3 at Foundation Level or D3 at another level,
Other language : a grade not lower than D3 at Ordinary Level, and c. A grade not lower than D3 at Ordinary Level, in not less than two other subjects
I'd imagine that as long as you pass, it doesn't matter if you are repeating (however if it's a choice between someone who has passed first time and someone who hasn't, then the person who passed first time may have an advantage). The requirements do no mention 'first time passes'.