Forgotten password / reset - not receiving email


Registered User

I am logged in permanently on my pc, however I try and look at via my ipad at the weekend/evening it's not logged in and so I can't post.

I have tried several times the forgotten password link, but I never receive the reset mail.

Is there another way to do it?

Are you sure you have the right email address?

A lot of people register with one email address and then move to another email.

It's also possible that automatically generated emails are stopped at server level.

If you go to your PC and click on your username you will get a menu. Select Account Details and it will show you which email address you are using for
Yes I know the email, it's my company email and no the emails are never received as state (Obviously that includes the junk/spam folder)

I have never had any incoming mails blocked before so unlikely to be the company server/firewall.

note: I am unable to post when logging in via work due to a banned IP address -guess 1 individual of the many thousands of people that have been thru the doors here over the years decided to post something against the rules -, Could that be linked maybe?

so again - is there another way to do it?

Others have changed their passwords and have got the emails.

So I am guessing that the problem is at your server end.

I have resent the reset email anyway.

We rarely ban IP addresses ourselves, but we use a system which bans IP addresses which are a source of spam, so it must have flagged your employer as a source and that would only be after repeated spam coming from the company.

As it's an overseas IP address, I would be pretty sure that we did not choose it to ban it.

@50andOut - if you watch a thread that gets updated regularly and set up the notification for email notification - you could check for those emails:


It may be blocked at your companies level and just not letting them through from AAM - other external emails may be ok.

Alternatively, you could try creating a gmail / hotmail / etc account & updating AAM to use that email instead of your work email, just to see does that work for you.
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I am logged in permanently on my pc, however I try and look at via my ipad at the weekend/evening it's not logged in and so I can't post.

I have tried several times the forgotten password link, but I never receive the reset mail.

Is there another way to do it?

Which browser do you use for your PC?
Generally you can get the browser to display the stored passwords, e.g. in Chrome go to settings : passwords : password manager and search for askaboutmoney, then to display the password you'll need to click on the eye icon and enter your PC password.

I have just tested it with a test account which has a gmail address and it's working fine.

It sent an email change confirmation email when I changed the email address.
And it sent a lost password link when I clicked on "I have forgotten my password". I did not have to change my password.

So I would be fairly sure that your system is blocking emails at server level. Ask your IT systems manager and they may be able to release it to you.


Ok I received it. when you sent the request it actually logged me out of where I am permanently logged in, this didn't happen when I clicked the reminder/reset link myself. Upon return to work this morning had the mail but it had timed out. I just requested a new pass, thinkin git wouldn't work, but it has sent a new one which I have received and is now reset.... Yay!

I actually have an older account on my hotmail, which I had the same issue with many moons ago. this account is still registered and I also do not receive the reset, was trying here again also yesterday.

I am obviously doing something consistently wrong. i'll see if I can replicate on the hotmail login and explain for reference
