Eworking allowance



I am self employed and have been eworking at home (away from the office)for 1-2 days a week, is it worth my while claiming the allowance, I think it is 3.20 a day and do you have to keep an exact record in case of an audit? I also bought a computer at my own personal expense, could this have been a business expense? also table, chair etc...Can this allowanc be backdated a couple of years or do I need to notify revenue, any advice appreciated.
Do you now have an accountant who can advise you on these business taxation matters?
Yes, I suppose I should have phoned him in the first place. Just curious to see if many people claim it, since more people work from home now.
in terms of the eworking allowance i don't think you'd qualify for it - the allowance of 3.20per days is an allowance that employers can pay their employees who work from home. as you're self-employed you wouldn't be classed as an employee. I presume as you're self employed your home is your place of business so you're not working remotely, and that's what the allowance is aimed at.

you should be able to claim capital allowances for computer and other assets bought for the business, you should speak to your accountant about this, let him earn his fees!!


You should also be able to claim a proportion of heat, electricity, phone and all your broadband bills, again talk to your accountant. If he is not telling you the sorts of things that you can claim while working from home as self-employed, then get an accountant who knows what he's talking about!