Deeds Storage


Registered User
I hope to be in a position to clear my mortgage soon. Apparently the banks don't offer a sakekeeping service for the deeds anymore. I'm guessing a solicitor is the best way to go? How much can I expect to pay for this service? Any advice on choosing somebody for storage?
Google "Deeds Storage Ireland". comes up.

Solicitors do not have the space to keep any more than a fraction of clients' deeds. Think also of the responsibility in the event of a fire or theft.

This came up recently in another thread - have a search for it.

As far as I recall, the recommendation was to buy a fire-proof box and store it yourself at home.
You could also consider keeping a very small amount on the mortgage. Then the lender would have to keep the deeds for you. Might also make it easier if you were ever looking to raise finance on your house in future.