Deceased Spouse - transfer of title deeds


Registered User
My father recently passed away. The deeds of the house were in my late fathers name and my mother wants to transfer the title deeds to her name. Can anyone tell me what kind of costings are involved here solicitor wise. Will they typically charge a percentage of the value of the property similar to a house purchase/house sale? Is there any tax implications ( I would expect not given it was the family home)? Is there a lot of work for the solicitor in this?

Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry for your loss.

I'll leave the question of cost/work to one of the solicitors who contribute to but there won't be any tax issues as transfers between spouses are tax-exempt.
If there are no major issues, your mother could arrange to Extract a Grant in the Probate Office. It would be advisable thereafter to instruct a solicitor to draft the necessary paperwork to transfer ownership.

If your father left a will, leaving everything to your mother, it is fairly straightforward. If there was no will, it is more complicated - as the offspring would also have an interest.

Yes, there is a fair amount of work involved. It is not normally charged as a percentage of the property value.

Get your paperwork in order ( details all assets held in joint/sole names) and meet with a local, recommended solicitor for an inital interview - on the basis that they can give you a costs analysis once they see what is involved.
