Data Protection and Mailshots


Registered User
Do not know if this is the correct section for this query but would appreciate any opinions. If doing a mailshot, by putting down householder, would this be any breach of Data Protection if we dont name the person but send leaflets to their address??
Hi Sarah,

I think you are safe enough with this. The following is from the data protection website: [broken link removed]

Postal marketing

This is the traditional and oldest form of direct marketing. For mail received through your letter box to be considered to be direct marketing it must be addressed to a named person and must be promoting a product or service. Unaddressed mail put into your letter box or mail addressed to “the occupant”, “the resident” or “the householder” does not necessarily involve the use of personal data and consequently data protection legislation does not apply.

Hope this helps.


Better Business Results

Thanks for the response. We will be promoting a product but you think it should be ok if not putting the name of the person on the mailshot???
Hi Sarah,

You do typically get a lower response with an unaddressed mailing however the strengh of the offer and message and the target audience are large factors as well.

Without knowing what the product is and what you are planning to say on the mailshot it is hard to guage. However from experience you are generally better to spend a bit more on a targetted list and good quality copywriting of the mailing piece and send a smaller mailing than you are to blast thousands of untargetted pieces to a large number of recipients.

If you would like some specific help then PM me.


Marketing Ireland