Creating a REIV for developments in asia


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Would like any opinions from those who are familiar with REIV's and REIT's.
The landownership laws are quite tricky across asia, and heavily restrict foreign ownership, so for future developments here I am thinking of creating a real estate investment vehicle (s) to issue a security to the buyer, and pay them a dividend (DRIPS) through an onsite management and leasing company who rents the developments properties.
I am just in the early stages of this, and currently where Im operating in the Philippines, the idea of REIV's in going to be presented to congress shortly, and the Securities and exchange commission are keen to bring these in as they feel they are loosing out on foreign investment income (but they want to balance it without effecting their current land ownership legislation)
So I could be able to have an influence on the restrictions etc imposed on the model used and approved here