Contacting a vendor directly



Hello - I am currently bidding on a house but after several weeks of no bids the estate agent involved now tells me that there are other bids coming in (all since I put in a bid myself). Based on some people in the industry that I've spoken to this particular estate agent is well known for 'ghost bidding'.

Is there any legal reason why I cannot contact the vendor directly to let them know that I have submitted an offer as I can't be sure that my initial bid has even been presented to the vendor.

Thanks in advance
Re: Conatcting a vendor directly

Hi dropsicus

I don't think there anything legal to stop you informing the vendor that you have submitted a bid. The usual contract between a vendor & an EA stipulates that the EA is the "sole agent" for selling the property but as far as I am aware there is nothing illegal in the vendor introducing you to the EA with a bid in hand as long as the sale goes through the EA.

I also thought that EAs kept a bid book logging all bids on a property .... maybe I'm wrong but if they do you could always ask the EA to show it to you....

Check the bid book if the EA keeps one although I'm not sure you have a 'right' to see it?

There is really nothing to prevent you from putting a note through the door as well for the vendors if you don't have their contact details.

Run a search and you will find other posts about contacting the vendor which might help.