Constitutional Referendum on Housing to produce miracles one second after referendum is won


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The backers of the Constitutional Referendum on Housing expect many miracles if the Referendum is passed. One such miracle is planning and what will happen one second after the referendum is passed is that the planning laws will all disappear though Sinn Fein has said it will have nothing to do with the disappearances. The planning laws that currently exist facilitates the lunatic fringe NIMBY and these creatures will also vanish. With no planning laws the Wild West will reappear and houses will be built in your back garden (probably by yourself) and the financial fear that any amateur developer or potential developer currently has will be cured in an instant. Young people who are condemned to a slow hill climb up the rising mountain that is housing will see the fog on their future lift as the price of housing drops due to the emergence of so many developers that they become an ethnic group bigger than travellers. Renters will be blessed with so much housing available that they will disappear as a group and join the middle class as house owners. Sinn Fein will be thrown out of government as the middle class will see their wealth proxy (the house) fall in value and they will never get reelected again. Barristers were dancing on the tables down in the Law Library as it heralded a new age for litigation and fees for the impoverished barristers.
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