Complete Change of Career


Registered User
Has anybody our there changed their Career to something completely
differant. Are you so peed off with your current career.
i haven't, but my late father did and he loved it. was his own boss and & at the end of the day if its something you enjoy AND can earn a living -not nessecarily a fortune- then go for it
Well, started out as a primary school teacher and disliked it so much, went back to college to do an accountancy qualification. In 1993 when I graduated at 29 apparently i was too old for the profession (!) and didnt get a position immediately even though I had graduated 2nd in the class where there was a fail rate of 50%! Eventually got a position in a "finance" type job with a large company but didnt complete the accountancy qualifications. Was the best thing I did because I was really unhappy in teaching and was becoming a nightmare to live with. So now, I am earning less, working longer hours and have less hols but i would never go back to teaching.
Think carefully about what you want to do before you do it. Have a clear goal cos time has a habit of going by very quickly so you need to know what you want to do and how you plan to achieve it.