Claiming UK Pension as an expat living in Ireland - question about holidays


New Member
My husband is in addition to applying for his Irish pension (self-employed and employed in Ireland since 1992) also is applying for his UK pension (worked there for 16 years) . There is a question about holidays. It asks "Please tell us about any time you spent in the United Kingdom. Include any holidays.". At this point we hardly remember our own names, let alone remember all the times he went to the UK on holiday (never worked there again since moving to Ireland).

How have any of you in a similar situation dealt with this question? Would it be sufficient to declare that he only went once a year to the UK for up to 5 days in addition to going to funerals for his parents and siblings.

What are the implications for claiming a UK pension as an expat going on holiday to the UK?

Thanks for any help in this matter.

Kind regards
