Chapters BookStore - no exchange without receipt

and not all of their books are second-hand either, they're returns to publishing houses that are bought cheap in bulk, mangled a bit by staff (under instructions I did it myself) and then doled out on the second hand shelves.

I don't understand the need to mangle the books in order to sell them.

Remaindered books command a better price than secondhand.
Sounds like the shop might have made a bad call in this case, for whatever reason. But in general the customer service in Chapters is excellent, as it is in most Dublin bookshops, it has to be said.
What really irritated me was that in the circumstances - price tag in place plus deactivated security tag (so it had to have gone out over the cash desk, I couldn't have just run off with it), plus I wanted to swap it for essentially the same thing, any reasonable retailer (I think) should have allowed the exchange.

Not, let me repeat, not, Chapters. But I know of one bookshop where the books are stolen by staff and sold on to other bookshops.