Can i claim tax back?

If you have paid tax in 2008 then you may be able to it depends on what you were doing from Oct - Dec keeping in mind that some social welfare payments are taxable.
If you were unemployed for 8weeks and in receipt of Jobseekers Benefit you should of sent in a P50 as it is now 2009 you shoud send in a letter to revenue requesting a review of your taxes for 2008 include your P45 and P60 if you returned to work also a statement of income from Social Welfare if you received any in 2008 also a Med1/2 if you have any medical expenses or dental expenses to cliam back on. A Rent 1 if you are paying rent (except council rent) IT 27 if you want to claim tax releif on refuse charges all adds up. Hope this helps
I think you mean you will be made in redundant in October 2009. If you wait until Jan 2010 and request a P21 (Balancing Statement) from Revenue you should be entitled to a refund of some of your tax paid.
If you pay tax on your redundancy , ask the tax office to apply 'top slicing relief ' to your review for 2009.

This can only be asked for after end of tax year ie. January 2010