Can I claim Jobseekers Benefit with a lump sum in the bank?




I am thinking of selling my house in Dublin to move into a smaller house in the Midlands which means I would have some money to place into a bank account from the proceeds of the sale. Would I be able to claim Jobseekers Benefit if I was made unemployed? Thanks
Read the keypost 'Guide for unemployed' at top of forum. You can have 20k beofre it would affect a JA claim. However, your other thread suggests that you would be entitled to JB as you're working so it may not matter as there is no means test with JB.
Hi jjrogers,

Welcome to AAM.

Please be aware of with regard to duplicated posts. You posted the same query on 3 different threads and this causes unnecessary work to contributors and moderators. I have deleted one of your threads.