Can I claim dole? Odd setup


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Been working as PAYE worker for 10 years, company ran into trouble then year ago, payments very sporadic and over the last 5 months I received on avg 600 per month.

Then 8 weeks ago I was offered a 2 day week by another company and with the need for bills/mortgage to be paid I had to take it.

The 2 day week is working as a sole trader contractor (IT).

I agreed to also go and work 2 days per week with the previous employer and keep my PAYE status.

Now its gone to a stage where I am owed 15k euro in back payments from the PAYE job and I have had enough, I have asked to be laid off but he is been akward not giving into it.

If I can get him to lay me off, I have loads of emails where I have requested my money and updates on same, can I claim dole?

I know the 2 days as sole trader could stop this totally but I don't know if anyone could answer this.

Thanks very much
AFAIk if you can prove that you are not being paid and need to leave your job you will be eligible to a cliam.
I have the evidence for sure ya, bank account with no payments going in from the employer, have emails all printed out which state sums owed which I got him to send me and also email after email of promises of payments.

I had to force his hand on been laid off, whats even more nuts is that this time last year Enterprise Ireland gave him 300k euro of a grant for been a HPSU and thats all blown, dont see EI chasing him up!!

Also he hasn't paid up the revenue with our PAYE/PRSI contributions for over 5 months, not sure what impact that has though!