Buy -to -Let with BOI and BOS



Hi Folks,
Am struggling to keep up with payments on some investment properties I own in both Ireland and Poland.
Good stuff, and mostly rented. Six mortgages in total, some are BOI ( 4 ) some are BOS (2). All ECB plus 1 %....thankfully.
Got a few interest only periods already , but now the banks are reluctant to extend those any longer and want some principal as well.
Am about to start negotiations now with both banks.

Wondering if anyone has recently had similar negotiations on Buy to Let mortgages with either bank and can advise the outcome and approach taken by the Banks ?
Naturally, I will do all I can to retain the Tracker mortages.
What are best lines of defense against banks forcing me to pay higher amounts in an effort to move me from the Trackers ?
Many Thanks in Advance for any comments/info.