Business cards


Registered User
I would need your advice on where to go to print excellent business cards at a good price. Thank you!
I'm not sure what your definition of 'excellent' is, but I have used for all cards and buisness stationery. They are excellent to deal with, have free sales on items (pay for p+p ONLY) on an extemely frequent basis. Worth a browse...
I've used for cards and although it is a bit more work to get the design done, you have more freedom with the design than with Vistaprint, and the pricing is very reasonable. I must say however I have used Vistaprint for corporate christmas cards etc and was very satisfied with the results
... but I have used for all cards and buisness stationery. They are excellent to deal with...
My experiences with VistaPrint have been anything but excellent.

Logistically they are a nightmare with partial shipments, unrealistic leadtimes, no delivery tracking or traceability and trying to resolve resultant delivery problems is a nightmare.

Right now 2 line-items off one order have been delivered twice, last Friday; the other part of that particular order, which was apparently shipped before the double delivery has disappeared, and an order placed before that again has just vanished.

On their latest email to me, they have promised re-print and delivery no later than "08/03/2008", which is 28 days BEFORE I placed the original order.

No thanks, not for me.

11:45 hrs. The postman just dropped off the missing line-items from the order above. Now if only they can find the missing one...
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I would second vistaprint. I have dealings with them over the last two to three years and have never had any bother with missing orders etc. Plus the cost is unbelievable compared to what you would pay if you went into a printers to get 500 cards.
I would recommend VistaPrint too
I have had a number of items done by them and I found the quality and service excellent. Prices are extremely good also

mathepac - I think you may have been unlucky.... Have you ordered of them often?
mathepac - I think you may have been unlucky.... Have you ordered of them often?
I last ordered from them in March 2007, when exactly the same issues arose and I didn't even consider them in the intervening 13 months.

I needed some promotional materials for May and having been quoted stupid money and lead-times locally, I said I'd give VistaPrint another shot - silly me. It now looks as if some of the VistaPrint stuff may not arrive in time for the 2nd week in May, having been ordered in March :eek:

I also forget to mention in my original post that they debited my credit card twice for the same order. I got a credit but that took another 4 days. :mad:

You suggested that I was unlucky, I have never been this unlucky in my life!

Their main production operation for Europe seems to be based in the UK, but their post is sent out of Belgium - at least the bits that have arrived successfully were. That's a long supply chain, but some of the links are broken.

I didn't bother with their express shipping option as the standard lead-times quoted during the ordering process seemed more than adequate for my needs - silly, silly me. :eek:
I agree with mathepac about vistaprint .I was very annoyed when I recieved my business cards they were very poor quality and didn't project the professional image I wanted . however you get what you pay for or maybe not as in the case of mathpac.
I have used Vistaprint and found them very good on numerous occassions.

I always go for their premium paper quality and pay extra to have their details omitted etc... still works out way, way cheaper than using my local printers.
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