At long last, a sensible High Court judge rejecting a PIA

Brendan Burgess


They have a house worth €1m and a mortgage of €700k. They live in a 5 bedroom home in a gated community and want to keep it.

The judge told them to sell the house and buy a house for €300k.

Bizarre that a PIA was applied for when there was positive equity in the home, and no other debt involved. For the PIA to go through the couple would have to show that Promontoria would be worse off if the property was repossessed and sold ( and typically negative equity dealt with through bankruptcy) which clearly wouldn't have been the case here.

So the judge here is doing no different to what the judge did in the McNamara / Lowe case but the populist view in that particular case was that manners needed to be put on the pair of them. PIAs are all about the Maths.
And the judge was less than impressed with a PIA proposal which obliged the couple to pay over €3k a month until they are into their late 70s. The judge felt that there was a significant risk of them becoming insolvent in their later years.

Of course, if the couple had been paying over €3k a month during the past few years it's unlikely there would have been a need for a PIA application in the first place.