Are the Banks ours " TaxPayers" Now ?


Registered User
Have in seen the 1980's in Ireland, with a mortgage and 3 young kids. The immergration og a young and dymamic work force to UK, USA and Australia. Its happening agian today,

At what stage are these "freindly Irish Banks" bailed out, by Irish familes, give the seed capital to our your and brightest ?

Whwn are they going to put their hand up ans say "Ye we where part of the problem, but we can help with the solution.

They are putting the "frighters" on the old, for 2 missed payments 0f Euro 134. Therse are same old people that bailed they billionaire's out. With their taxes and savings?

Lets get to Debt Forgiveness Now, let there be a max personall Debt of 20/30K personall and a family mortgate of say 200K, and all 65 yeal old are interest only