Anglo-What else is to come out

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@Cavaet: The IL&P deposits were made out to be customer deposits not inter-bank transfers. The effect was to mislead sharehalders and investers understanding of the true natue of the bank's books.

The office of corporte governance is investigating.
I'd just like the fraud squad in there too.
Mercman is right. I was talking with someone working in the City in London a few minutes ago, and what is being portrayed over there is the amount of lies, deceipt and dishonesty which the Irish Banks have embarked upon. The time has come for Brain Cowen to kick Ass and show who is running the country instead of the 'lunatics running the asylum'.
Is it just me? I'm agog as to why we're all still putting up with this? Why aren't we out there marching or (at the very least) congregating outside the Minister's office demanding that he do his job? I'm furious ... with the Govt ... with the bankers .... with the Regulator ... but mostly with myself/ourselves ...... surely there is something that we can do about this - isn't there? Seriously - anybody got any suggestions as to how we can stop just letting this country go down the drain?? The rest of the world must see us now as something akin to Zimbabwe! Surely we have to fight this.
I have been fighting my own battle with the Financial Regulator and the Director of Corporate enforcement since 2005 with regard to this very same thing (white collar crime) and it is already and has been for some time that the lunatics are running the asylum. This is never going to change because not only are the 'lunatics running the asylum' the lunatics are writing the Law to run this asylum so that the law can not touch them.
PetPal it’s not just you there are many of us who have had it up to our neck and if you hear of any thing that people want to do (peaceful) I’ll be on the front line with you. I was arrested in the Financial Regulator Office last week because they would not answer any of my own questions and I said that I would not leave until they were answered as I have being asking these questions for a very long time. I was put in a cell for a couple of hours and then just thrown out of the station with no charge.
People who we are paying are not doing their job and getting very well paid while not doing their job this has to stop.
surely there is something that we can do about this - isn't there? Seriously - anybody got any suggestions as to how we can stop just letting this country go down the drain??

I think the unions should turn their day of protests against the pension levy (21st Feb) into a wider protest against the government and invite all sections of society to march.
I have been fighting my own battle with the Financial Regulator and the Director of Corporate enforcement since 2005 with regard to this very same thing (white collar crime) and it is already and has been for some time that the lunatics are running the asylum. This is never going to change because not only are the 'lunatics running the asylum' the lunatics are writing the Law to run this asylum so that the law can not touch them.
PetPal it’s not just you there are many of us who have had it up to our neck and if you hear of any thing that people want to do (peaceful) I’ll be on the front line with you. I was arrested in the Financial Regulator Office last week because they would not answer any of my own questions and I said that I would not leave until they were answered as I have being asking these questions for a very long time. I was put in a cell for a couple of hours and then just thrown out of the station with no charge.
People who we are paying are not doing their job and getting very well paid while not doing their job this has to stop.
I'm heartened that you at least tried to get your questions answered but absolutely aghast that you ended up in a cell. How absolutely disgraceful. These are the sorts of things that we need to protest about. We're simply asking questions and nobody will answer. We are being treated like the proverbial sh1t. I also agree with Askalot. I'll be there on the front line if anything can be organised. I wonder if Union representatives are reading this?
OK, lets all march to Government Buildings and force the Government to:
  • Abolish the new Pensions Levy
  • Retain all public sector employees at current salary levels plus the National Wage agreement
  • Sack all the Financial Regulators staff
  • Abolish any recapitalisation of AIB & BOI
  • Fire all the Bankers (not needed after above)
  • Abolish any expenditure cuts
  • Guarantee that they wont introduce any property tax
  • Guarantee that they wont increase Income Tax
If we can do that, everything will be fine. Just give me a little time to grow my beard so I will fit in with the march leaders.

Cant wait, bring it on!
OK, lets all march to Government Buildings and force the Government to:
  • Abolish the new Pensions Levy
  • Retain all public sector employees at current salary levels plus the National Wage agreement
  • Sack all the Financial Regulators staff
  • Abolish any recapitalisation of AIB & BOI
  • Fire all the Bankers (not needed after above)
  • Abolish any expenditure cuts
  • Guarantee that they wont introduce any property tax
  • Guarantee that they wont increase Income Tax
If we can do that, everything will be fine. Just give me a little time to grow my beard so I will fit in with the march leaders.

Cant wait, bring it on!

I don't know where you got the idea that I wanted to abolish expenditure cuts, abolish the pensions levy etc etc (as per your above rant)! I certainly didn't get the impression that anybody was asking for that. What we were (what I was) protesting about was that people in powerful positions are making mistakes (or worse) with our money and then refusing to answer our legitimate questions. That's all. I do have a right to expect answers to legitimate questions from those who are spending my money, or are you saying that I don't have that right? It's a novel point of view and it will be interesting to see if others agree with you.
you forgot to add, Abolish Christmas and Easter

Get real
  • Abolish the new Pensions Levy
  • Retain all public sector employees at current salary levels plus the National Wage agreement
Great !! The couple of things which the Government have done to tide us through the mess and you all say don't touch. As far as I can see there is a breed of Communism erupting again.
When I saw Cowen trying to defend Lenihan on the news tonight I got so angry. When the Green's finally pull the plug on this Goverenment it will not fool me one bit. If the situation get's much worse I can see a swing back to a no vote on Lisbon. Well if we wont march on the street's at least all vote No. We Irish really do put up with a hell of alot - the union's need to teach Cowen a lesson.
When I saw Cowen trying to defend Lenihan on the news tonight I got so angry. When the Green's finally pull the plug on this Goverenment it will not fool me one bit. If the situation get's much worse I can see a swing back to a no vote on Lisbon. Well if we wont march on the street's at least all vote No. We Irish really do put up with a hell of alot - the union's need to teach Cowen a lesson.

Right, but let's not submit just yet to the "If we won't march .....". Marching is still an option! I seriously don't think anything else will work - they simply won't listen until we force them to. All I want is to see that people who have been responsible for wasting my money (and then refusing to apology or explain themselves) are held accountable. Alas I'm not at all sure that a brand new Govt is the answer, or that the Opposition has all the answers, but I do know that those in the present Govt who have been negligent need to admit it and be held accountable .... somehow. (As do those in Institutions that have also been negligent with our money). People power is the only way as far as I can see at this stage unfortunately.
My irony is obviously lost on you.
As you will see from my other posts, I fully support the moves to cut public expenditure. What I object to is the "beardies" (SIPTU etc) on the one hand saying that the Pensions Levy is an attack on the innocent public sector employee and at the same time refuse to recognise that it is the exposed private sector who are really paying the price. Try explaining to the people in Dell or SR Technics why public sector employees should remain insulated with their guaranteed jobs and guaranteed pensions. As we have seen with certain high profile public servants, it is impossible to sack them (unless of course you buy them off with a golden handshake).
So forgive me if I fail to turn up for the Congress (!) march.
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