Advice Please - Tax Exams


Registered User
Has anyone posting here sat the tax exams?
I am thinking of doing them but due to my geographical location I would have to take the homestudy option. I have already finished my ACCA finals by homestudy and am familiar with that approach.
I am wondering how difficult are the tax exams? Are they on a par with the accountancy finals or even more difficult. I am exempt from part one due the the ACCA qualification.
Time is running out for registration......tick, tock, tick, tock
(I had posted this in the Taxation Forum but got no replies)
Bonafide - have not sat the ACCA but work with a lot of them ! tax exams should not be toooo much of a push, especially if you work in the area and have practical experience to bring to the table

... part 3 is the killer (like the counterpart for ACCA) - it's the final assessment and there is always something interesting thrown up

as to which is harder .... i'd find a comfortable seat on the fence on that one - but as you already have the ACCA, that gives you a really good start on the IATI as well
... best of luck
Thanks Doogo. I work as an accountant in a large company which requires a lot of tax planning. There is a role developing in the company for a tax position and I have been asked if I would consider doing the exams.

The role is still mainly as an accountant but I would be the hub of all tax advice. I would not necessarily have to dispense advice, but rather as a liason with our tax consultants and a centre/library for all past tax advice.

I finished the ACCA exams a few years ago. Not sure if I have the stomach for more exams....
go for it ... as the saying goes , what doesn't kill you can only make you stronger !