Advice on best rates for lump sum investor.


gerry white

i have a lump sum to invest and i do not know how to find or where to find the best advice on rates available in the irish market.
Re: lump sun investor needs advice on best rates

Hi Gerry,

Welcome to AAM.

I have moved your post to the Savings and Investments forum which is the correct one for this enquiry. You may find the key posts will help most. There are many previous threads on this type of subject so run the search option also.

Can you have a read of the again and familiarise yourself with the different forums to ensure that you post in the correct one in future.

Sue Ellen.
You need to post more details about your overall financial circumstances, what sort of money you are looking to invest, in what sort of products etc.

If you mean deposits specifically then look at the Financial Best Buys forum and lists of the best deposit accounts/rates on offer and the many existing threads on mixing and matching multiple accounts to maximise deposit interest returns.