47kg gas cylinders


Registered User
I run a business that requires 4 x 47kg refils of LPG every 2 weeks. Has anyone purchased 47kg cylinders in the last 2 months? Can you let me know what you paid either per kg or per 47 kg refill.

I want to try and play Calor and Flogas off each other and want to see what leeway I might have.

Thanks in Advance...
I think I paid 90€ per cylinder. I'll check this evening what volume. I think they re 47kg odd. About 5 foot high 10 inch diameter. Will get back to you tomorrow. Might even find a receipt
The reason I posted the question is because when you do a Google search on "47kg bottle gas price" there isn't one single link to someone quoting a current price for bottled gas. Can't imagine why that should be so I won't waste my time dwelling on it!!!

Anyway today I got my first invoice, €356 for 4 bottles. Thats €89 a bottle -so I queried it. In the voice of the Brennnan's bread Ad!!
"Sorry Sir I think there's been a mistake" says he.
"Really" says I.
"I'll check and ring you back" says he.
"Thats the last I'll hear from him" says I to her that works wiv me.
Low and behold didn't he ring back, 10 minutes later.
"You've been charged the domestic customer rate" says he
"But I order 4 of these big bleeeders every fortnight" says I
"Don't worry says he there's an €80 refund on its way and in future you'll be charged the same as Chinese restaurants" says he
"Well I'm going to phone around if you don't mind" says I
And I did. And with the first call I've now knocked another fiver EACH off each bottle. So I'm down to €64 a bottle a saving a €25 each. Thats €100 a fortnight - over €2500 a year for 2 phone calls!!!!

"I'll let you know how I get on" says I
Try googling (or windows live-ing)

A few results at least, but not many applicable to our little country.
Not a single supplier in this country advertising their charge for bottled LPG I think you'll find. A similar search in the UK comes up with quite a few companies quoting their prices.

Can anyone beat €64 inc VAT for a 47kg bottle?
I wouldn't expect gas retailers to be big internet advertisers to be honest. Why don't you just ring around?
You're probably right Utopia but it stills strikes me as rather suspicious that not one retailer is advertising their price. Anyway I have phoned around - can anyone beat €64 inc VAT ?