how do i lift off the cistern cover?


Registered User
Just wondering how do I lift off the cistern cover on a toilet with the dual flush button on top? Checked previous posts with cistern in title but no joy. Any help appreciated.
I have them myself - they just unscrew. You need to press down hard on the edges & turn anti-clockwise. If you can't get any purchase on them you might need a pliers or similar to get them started.
I have 3 different models and I have only ever managed to open 2 of them.

One is like described above, the entire button unit should be rotated anti-clockwise, will then lift off, and then the cistern lid can be lifted

The 2nd type has its two buttons removable. Pulling one out enables you to get at the 2nd button, and when both removed, the cistern lid can be lifted.

The third type does not have lift off buttons and any time I tried to rotate the button unit, I was able to get sufficient grip, but got to the point where I felt if I applied any more pressure, something would break, so I abandoned every time.
If its a Shires Just push one button down and lift the other up and out with small screw driver or long fingernail then you lift other one out to expose screw holding button unit to flusher unit.

Usually whole flushing unit can be twisted out to be replaced.

I would not fit such a cistern without leaving a spare flushing unit on site as they are so fragile and very quickly unobtainable.
theplumber : would you have any idea how to open the stopper on my bath? It is one that has a "dial" that you twist , but now the stopper is stuck down & the dial doesn;t seem to click. Any ideas without having to put the whole place apart ?
Sam and anyone else prepared to listen.
You can be certain that mechanical bits will go wrong therefore you must never never tile over or perminently cover such moving parts.

What ever happened to the cheap nasty bath panel that everyone hated
until they have to adjust moving parts under the bath.

When you eventually expose it the fault will be obvious.