Key Post Where to sell cars - Key Post

Brendan Burgess

There have been many adverts on Askaboutmoney posing as questions. These take the form of

"I have a 2004 Honda Civic with 20,000 miles" - where should I sell it.

All these ads will be deleted and the posters will be banned from Askaboutmoney from now on.

Can someone please post a list of the places to sell cars as a response to this thread. If they could evaluate the pros and cons of each one, that would be great.

I'll start so.

30 euro for an ad with multiple photos. Ad does not expire if renewed free of charge every 30 days. Ad can be edited as many times as needed.
BUY&SELL - Cheap (free) way to advertise car. Not much room for details.

Carzone/ CBG - pay sites that allow you to post pictures of your car. The key to selling your car are good pictures of your car (interior and exterior), full details and a car that is reasonably priced.

Dealers - last'll take a big hit on the selling price.

The second hand car market is a glut of motors and many people selling their cars believe they have a reasonable asking price as they are comparing with garage prices. Even when selling a new-ish car that is still under warranty, most people view buying the same car from a dealer as the safer option. Therefore your car needs to be very keenly priced to shift it quickly.
I can highly recommend for either buying or selling cars. It's new but seems to have a decent selection of cars, price evaluators, tax and insurance calculators, etc. It costs €28 and your ad is active until the car is sold.
That auction place up in Ashbourne can't rem the name or the other down by Tallaght just off the M50. Think the advertise on internet for you and loads of liquidity as many mini cabs drivers buying etc. Leave the car for 2 weeks and cheap enough - got rid of an old company car here at a better than expected price.
I would have to say is the best value on the web.

They charge only 3 Euro for an advert.

I have tried selling privatley on some of the bigger websites but have had no luck.

I think the problem with the "leading websites" is that they seem to favour proffesional car dealers as opposed to private sellers.

Can anyone out there tell me Irelands No1 website to sell your car PRIVATLEY?
CreditCrunch - Your home page is Drive Magazine and on the used car page you have a link to Done Deal;this looks like a conflict of interest.
For anyone down in the Real Capital of Cork or even the greater Munster area, try the Evening Echo FreeAds supplement. Easy to spot as it's Pink (seriously)and comes out on a Tuesday. Email your ads to [email protected]