IMHO applies to become a mortgage broker!

Brendan Burgess

Mortgage holders association plans to sell home loans

IMHO, which campaigned against banks, to seek go-ahead to become mortgage broker

“We are looking at becoming a mortgage broker ... probably in the second quarter of next year,” Mr Hall said. “We’ve been looking at it for the past number of months.”

Mr Hall said any funds generated by selling home loans would be used by the not-for-profit organisation to fund its services. Its operating deficit is currently about €30,000 a year.

It seems very odd.

What with New Beginning offering to buy defaulted loans, I wonder should Askaboutmoney move into some commercial venture? Maybe debt collection?
'Odd' is putting it mildly.

Mortgage brokers, Property fund creators, aspiring Politicians, Concert hall wannabes,Media darlings...and all the while holding down their numerous day/night jobs in the public funded Ambulance service, in the legal world defending millionaires rights to keep mega gaffs in Killiney, sheperding the casino industry.
How do they do it!
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Now now Delboy!!

These poor people ,(of which you mentioned quite an assortment) are obviously underemployed and unlike us mere mortals can change time and space to be able to do it !

You Dear Delboy can only operate on one planet!
Have a nice day!

ps. In fairness; a 3 legged donkey would probably do better on Mortgages than the previous Lords of Finance so maybe they are onto something.
"We don't care which mortgage people take out". Interesting development as they have been so vocal about banks' lax lending policy, dragging innocent consumers in over their heads. Perhaps they don't see their new role as advisory - merely to help facilitate the "best", read largest, loan possible.

Seems very odd indeed. Pinsters are very cynical about IMHO & David Hall. They will feel vindicated by this announcement.
Where's the benefit to the customer? Will they be straight fee based as so few banks pay commission anymore that it isn't offering a full service just going with the ones that are.