Top 100 best-paid in education

From the arcticle:

"OVER 75 per cent of the €8.59 billion education budget is absorbed by pay and pensions"

"Ireland has one of the lowest levels of education spending in the OECD."

"The consequences of this under-investment are evident throughout the sector. It can be seen in dilapidated classrooms, lack of adequate support for information technology, meagre investment in early childhood education, lack of basic school facilities, and so on.

"But a striking feature of the Irish education service is the relatively high rates of pay for academics and bureaucrats "

"In all, more than 60 staff in the education sector earn more than €150,000, according to The Irish Times survey. A further 476 staff earn more than €110,000. In all, 497 people are on the professorial salary scale, €113,573–€145,952. "

Interesting allocation of funds - salaries whilst our children are in prefabs..unreal
Shocking but no surprise. I can understand why students don't want to pay fees when they would simply go towards paying people huge salaries. Unfortunately the taxpayer once again is taken to the cleaners.
You do realise the hyperinflation that we have experienced regarding elbow patches and corduroy since 2001? Not to mention the Hush Puppy collapse of 2008 that saw an unprecidented rise in the cost of comfortable yet durable shoes. I know some radical, maverick lecturers have switched to Ecco shoes and pullovers, but they aren't representative of the whole.

I wish we'd stop cherry picking people for criticism without being in possession of the full facts.
The advisor to the president of UCC gets €118,000 a year while the president himself gets paid € 232,000. Brilliant!
So no takers on the role of Vice-president for the student experience? At least the other roles have some semblence of being real jobs.
I don't know what the job entails. Does it involve helping disabled students, foreign students etc. Not saying that the salary isn't a joke but doubt it involves sitting around the student bar.
I sent in my cv too. I reckon I am hip and down with the kids so should be perfect!

They might need to pay more than that though to get me to sit in a room full of bloody students...


My student experience involved a lot of sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll. There was a small bit of studying in the month before the exams. Oh and the doctor was free so we would all go to see him at the first sign of a minor sniffle. Fibber Magees did monday morning pound a pint specials from 10am to midday so on grant cheque day there was a lot of staggering back up O Connell St in the afternoon having consumed as many pints as possible - on one memorable occasion they ran out of glasses and you had to skull back what was in your pint to get a refill.

Wonder if the VP gets to indulge in those kinds of student experiences?
My student experience involved a lot of sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll.

Not only was I boring during the boom by living within my means, but it also looks like I was boring during college compared to some....a major Midlife crisis is brewing I tell ya!
...but it also looks like I was boring during college compared to some....

Dont worry - these things balance, wouldnt know what a drug was these days, rock and roll = crystal swing, and as for the rest of it, well Im married now - so thats that :)