Health Ins - level of hosp cover for kids?


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Am I right in thinking my two small children (under 6) do not require cover for private hospitals? I should just cover for a bed in a public hospital? If they get seriously ill, they would be going to one of the public children's hospitals in Dublin.
It's not just a question of hospital cover. You probably need cover for outpatient treatments and consultant visits. People die while on public waiting lists.
I don't think there are any private childrens hospitals in Ireland. I cover myself and spouse for private hospitals and our children for public hospitals
If you children are sick they will be looked after very well in the public system. It is getting access to a consultant quicker is the problem.
I also have the day to day cover for kids, GP visits, consultants visits etc. So that covers part of the cost for private out patient treatments, and portion of A & E attendance fee.