trip to Australia - best way to bring money


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We are going on a family holiday to Australia in June for one month. I was wondering what is the best way of bringing funds with me and buying things out there.
Visa card.

Lodge money into the visa card beforehand and you will not be charged (other than the exchange bit) for taking it out.

Alternatively, if you have a debit card with Cirrus of Mastercard on it, you can take cash out worldwide.

Me, I'd use visa card mostly, and take out small amounts of cash as needed from my debit card when over there. Maybe bring a couple of hundred Aus$ over in cash.

Also notify your bank that you are going over as they might put a block on your visa/debit account if the software picks up what it regards as unusual activity.
Note: if you load the CC and subsequent fraudulent transactions arise, you wont be covered for the loses. Thats my understanding anyhow, I could be wrong!!

I too would lodge to my Cr Card before I left. You don't need to do it in one lumpsum.. you can drip-feed as neccessary. Just make sure you transfer a few days before you need the cash.
Make sure to bring the emergency contact numbers for your Cards and notify immediately if lost or stolen.
Keep an eye on your accounts online to catch fraudulent transactions.
It's good to bring some cash but I would use my Cr Card for most purchases...restaurants, hotels, souvenirs etc.
Just be prudent and mind your belongings. I also keep my Cr Card and Dr Card in different purse was stolen once and I lost all cards and cash and it was not a good experience.
Have a great time :)