Salary negotiation for new jobs


house seller


Ive been offered 2 jobs.

I am wondering if it is the done thing to try to up the salary offer by playing them off against each other or instead just accept gratefully what I am offered (yes I am happy with what has been offered but would I be stupid not to try to up it??) I'd just like to know what the norm is? what do most people do in this situation?

Your views appreciated!
If you try playing them off against each other, you run the risl of them both getting annoyed enough to withdraw the offer. I think you'd be safe to contact the company making the lower offer to let them know you have another offer at a higher salary and give them the opportunity to match or better it.

If I were the person making the offer, I'd have no problem with being contacted once and told of the higher offer. I'd lose interest if you came back more than once looking for the package to be increased.
Surely one of them has more merits over the one??? I presume it's not the EXACT same job, what are the different benefits of working for each company, e.g. I'm sure they're not offering the same pension, health insurance, bonuses or benefits etc. I would have said go with your gut. I definitely think if you try and use another job as leverage for more money the company will wonder if you are making it up (same type of thing as phantom bidders in house sales) and might, as Seagull says above, get annoyed with you. Also usually if you are going for a job they want to think you are interested in their company and want to work there, by telling them you're considering something else because of the money it doesn't necessarily give a good message. That's just what I would kind of think anyway...
Thank them for their offer and turn it down. Don't mention anything about another company. They will come back with another offer - after all they decided to hire you and don't want to have to go back through the process again for the sake of a few grand.
Dont do this.

Thank them for their offer and turn it down. Don't mention anything about another company. They will come back with another offer - after all they decided to hire you and don't want to have to go back through the process again for the sake of a few grand.
Call company A and say that you have another offer with a higher salary. You would prefer to negotiate a better salary with A as the job is more inline with what you are looking for. Ensure to them that you are not an 'all about the money' type of person but as the other position is offering a certain amount more perhaps they could reconsider the original offer to which you will accept.