FG political stunt


Registered User
I can't believe that Labour have learnt nothing from the local elections and are washing their hands of this issue. It's all very well them saying that it is up to FG to decide who to put forward to Seanad but it is not the right of FG to use state boards appointments to make people eligible for election. Even FF would have been red faced at the brazen way that this is been done. It's a new way of doing politics alright. I am not surprised at Enda Kenny and FG who are simply FF lite but what exactly do labour stand for anymore?

labour stand for noting these days, they are simply a 'sell out' party, roll on the elections..
It's indefensible stuff alright. There is still a real lack of change among senior politicians and an arrogance that they can do what they want. This was the perfect opportunity for Joan Burton to show Labour do count for something, an opportunity she missed. That said, Kenny is where the strongest anger should be directed here imho, not Labour (unless of course you're a Labour follower who is rapidly losing faith!).
The bit that really annoys me is that all these people and political parties have highly paid advisors. I don't think I have ever seen such an idiotic, indefensible political stunt. Did no one say stop? Enda Kenny wanted to abolish the Seanad and yet he has caused huge damage to FG in getting one of his cronies elected. Either I am missing something or he is as thick as he looks.
It's the sheer brass neck/dictator that gets to me. Did they actually think they could push this one through and the rest of us would not even cop what was really going on.
I'm not sure whether it is incompetence or brass neck but either way it's the same old crap we've had for the past 40 years. I really hoped Kenny would take the opportunity to change politics for the better but the more he does the more I realise he's just the same as the last lot.
I think we were misled at the last election but lets hope its payback time at the next. Kenny wont care he is off to la la land with a nice payout.
I think we were misled at the last election but lets hope its payback time at the next. Kenny wont care he is off to la la land with a nice payout.

Payback but whats the alternative???

FF again!
Sinn Fein in with either FF or FG...more of the same.
A huge mish-mash of left wing parties and independents...that'll last 2 months.

I despair for Government and democracy in this country
Kenny wont care he is off to la la land with a nice payout.

Do you think that he shouldn't be allowed to retire as he approaches 65 ? Incidentally he won't be allowed receive any pension payments until he reaches the appropriate age. (I assume you mean the pension, that he paid into, as "a nice payout" ?)

The whole debacle showed the incompetence of the FG organisation. To put forward a candidate for the Seanad and highlight his membership of the IMMA board (all 6 days of it!) as proof of suitability for the post was a huge error.

In the grand scheme of things, in my opinion, its not a big issue. It's the usual sleeveen politicking that goes on in this country's party system of democracy. I keep my eye on the bigger issues; economy, health, education, justice and welfare and judge the governing bodies accordingly. As mentioned by other posters there is very little to chose between the parties as they all hover around the centre ground...albeit a little to the left or a little to the right.

I was amused to hear John Deasy's 'attack' on Kenny. Hell hath no fury...and all that...
In the grand scheme of things, in my opinion, its not a big issue.
I couldn't agree more. Can't understand the furore at all. I guess I was reared in a part of this country were scandals were in the nature of the State adopting "shoot to kill" policies.
"I couldn't agree more. Can't understand the furore at all. I guess I was reared in a part of this country were scandals were in the nature of the State adopting "shoot to kill" policies."

We are all products of our conditioning - it doesn't mean our perspectives are accurate.

I think it does matter when the leader of our country breaks his own promises yet again (......remember a new way of doing politics was one of the tenets of Enda's 5 point plan). You've really got to question his integrity. Do you honestly think it is acceptable for a Taoiseach to break promises and then attempt to lie about what happened?

If we continuously accept unacceptable behaviour, we will continuously get unacceptable practices. I find the attitude that this latest abuse does not really matter very disappointing - and reminds me of the saying that people get the government they deserve.

Just wondering whether you heard Minister Daragh Murphy trying to defend these shenanigans on the News at One on Saturday - it was embarrassing, beyond belief. When ministers come on and make comments which are, at best, not credible, it is damaging to all stakeholders.

Much has been made in the last 24 hours about Paul McGinley's attention to detail. I salute his achievements and like him believe that the overall success of any group is predicated both on having the right vision / ambition and in doing the all the necessary tasks or building blocks well. McGinley displays leadership and is to be applauded; Kenny displays gombeenism. This stuff matters.